Members of APPRA make important contributions to research and policymaking in Taiwan and around the world. Here, we showcase a few of our members’ achievements.
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November 2017
Jonathan Spangler, Dean Karalekas, and Moises Lopes de Souza (eds.), Enterprises, Localities, People, and Policy in the South China Sea: Beneath the Surface, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
Jonathan Spangler, “Undisputed Winners: The Benefits and Beneficiaries of the South China Sea Maritime Territorial Disputes,” in Jonathan Spangler, Dean Karalekas, and Moises Lopes de Souza (eds.), Enterprises, Localities, People, and Policy in the South China Sea: Beneath the Surface, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
Olga Daksueva and Joyce Juo-yu Lin, “Tier 2 Diplomacy: Local Government Cooperation Amid Tensions in the South China Sea,” in Jonathan Spangler, Dean Karalekas, and Moises Lopes de Souza (eds.), Enterprises, Localities, People, and Policy in the South China Sea: Beneath the Surface, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
Gregory Coutaz, “Disaster Management in the South China Sea: A Chance for Peace and Cooperation,” in Jonathan Spangler, Dean Karalekas, and Moises Lopes de Souza (eds.), Enterprises, Localities, People, and Policy in the South China Sea: Beneath the Surface, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
Moises Lopes de Souza, “Beneath the Surface of Consensus: The Development of Confidence-Building Measures between the PRC and ASEAN in the South China Sea Disputes,” in Jonathan Spangler, Dean Karalekas, and Moises Lopes de Souza (eds.), Enterprises, Localities, People, and Policy in the South China Sea: Beneath the Surface, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
Dean Karalekas, “South China Sea as Microcosm of Chinese Foreign Policy and Prospects for Asian Polarization,” in Jonathan Spangler, Dean Karalekas, and Moises Lopes de Souza (eds.), Enterprises, Localities, People, and Policy in the South China Sea: Beneath the Surface, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
June 2017
Philippe Cachia, “Upper Classes and Immorality: Ecological Validation of 50 Years of Power Research,” Online Readings in Psychology and Culture 4(4), June 2017, <>.
May 2017
Dean Karalekas, “Emerging Taiwan: Social/Military Relations and Transformation in the ROC Military,” presented at the 2017 Inter-Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Ottawa, May 2–7, 2017.
April 2017
Fu-Kuo Liu, Keyuan Zou, Shicun Wu, and Jonathan Spangler (eds.), South China Sea Lawfare: Post-Arbitration Policy Options and Future Prospects, Taipei: South China Sea Think Tank/Taiwan Center for Security Studies, April 20, 2017.
Jonathan Spangler, “South China Sea Policy Options in the Post-Arbitration Context,” in Fu-Kuo Liu, Keyuan Zou, Shicun Wu, and Jonathan Spangler (eds.), South China Sea Lawfare: Post-Arbitration Policy Options and Future Prospects, Taipei: South China Sea Think Tank/Taiwan Center for Security Studies, April 20, 2017, pp. 7–19.
Jonathan Spangler, “Post-Arbitration South China Sea: Taiwan’s Diplomatic Policy Options and Future Prospects,” in Fu-Kuo Liu, Keyuan Zou, Shicun Wu, and Jonathan Spangler (eds.), South China Sea Lawfare: Post-Arbitration Policy Options and Future Prospects, Taipei: South China Sea Think Tank/Taiwan Center for Security Studies, April 20, 2017, pp. 125–141.
Fu-Kuo Liu, “Taiwan’s Security Policy Options and Future Prospects,” in Fu-Kuo Liu, Keyuan Zou, Shicun Wu, and Jonathan Spangler (eds.), South China Sea Lawfare: Post-Arbitration Policy Options and Future Prospects, Taipei: South China Sea Think Tank/Taiwan Center for Security Studies, April 20, 2017, pp. 143–153.
March 2017
Serafettin Yilmaz and Olga Daksueva, “The Energy Nexus in China-Russia Strategic Partnership,” International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, March 13, 2017, <>.
December 2016
Jonathan Spangler, “Taiwan’s Diplomatic Policy Options and Future Prospects in the Post-Arbitration South China Sea,” presented at the National Defense University/National Chengchi University Joint Conference, Taipei: National Defense University/National Chengchi University, December 16, 2016.
Jonathan Spangler and Guang-Chang Bian, “‘Three Unforeseens’: Alarmist (Mis)understandings of Cross-Strait Relations,” Strategic Vision, December 2016.
October 2016
Richard Juichou Hu and Jonathan Spangler, “Three Ambiguities Driving Taiwan’s Defense Policy,” Strategic Vision, October 2016.
Dean Karalekas, “Regional Polarization: China’s actions causing regional actors to take sides in increasingly polarized region,” Strategic Vision 5(28), October 2016, pp. 4–8.
August 2016
Jonathan Spangler, “Benefiting from the Taiwan Factor in the South China Sea: How Rival Claimants Can Take Advantage of the ROC’s Policy Approach,” Strategic Vision, August 2016.
July 2016
Dean Karalekas, “Analysis of contributing factors behind Pyongyang’s belligerent stance and threats of instability in North Korea,” Economic Analysis of Law Review 7(2), July–December, 2016, pp. 598–622.
June 2016
Philippe Cachia and Julie Cachia, “Passionate Love is Better Lived than Imagined: A Cross-Cultural Perspective,” presented at the 23rd International Congress of the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Nagoya, Japan, June 30–August 3, 2016.
Dean Karalekas, “A Culturalist Perspective on Trilateral Taipei-Beijing-Washington Relations,” IMBusiness: Academic Journal of the Budapest Business School 1(1), June 2016, pp. 5–20.
Olga Daksueva, “The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: Structural Changes in China’s Relations with Asia Pacific Countries,” presented at ISA Asia-Pacific Conference 2016, Hong Kong, June 25–27, 2016.
April 2016
Chuing Prudence Chou and Jonathan Spangler (eds.), Chinese Education Models in a Global Age, Singapore: Springer, 2016, <doi:10.1007/978-981-10-0330-1>.
Chuing Prudence Chou, “A Chinese Model of Citizenship Education in Taiwan: Under the Influence of Globalization, Localization and Cross-Straitization,” in Chuing Prudence Chou and Jonathan Spangler (eds.), Chinese Education Models in a Global Age, Singapore: Springer, 2016, pp. 163–175, <doi:10.1007/978-981-10-0330-1_12>.
Jonathan Spangler, “Impacts of Online Education on Existing Education Models: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan,” in Chuing Prudence Chou and Jonathan Spangler (eds.), Chinese Education Models in a Global Age, Singapore: Springer, 2016, pp. 177–192, <doi:10.1007/978-981-10-0330-1_13>.
Chuing Prudence Chou, “Chinese Models of University Quality Assurance: Case Studies from China and Taiwan,” in Chuing Prudence Chou and Jonathan Spangler (eds.), Chinese Education Models in a Global Age, Singapore: Springer, 2016, pp. 279–291, <doi:10.1007/978-981-10-0330-1_20>.
Jonathan Spangler, “Chinese Education Models in a Global Age: Myth or Reality?,” in Chuing Prudence Chou and Jonathan Spangler (eds.), Chinese Education Models in a Global Age, Singapore: Springer, 2016, pp. 337–354, <doi:10.1007/978-981-10-0330-1_24>.
Cheng-yi Lin and Jonathan Spangler, “China’s Diplomatic, Security, and Legal Perspectives on the South China Sea Disputes,” Prospect Journal 15, April 2016, pp. 57–84.
March 2016
Olga Daksueva, “The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: Structural Changes in China’s Relations with Asia Pacific Countries,” presented at the 13th Annual Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies, Prague, Czech Republic, March 30–April 1, 2016.
Olga Daksueva, “China’s International Roles, by Sebastian Harnisch, Sebastian Bersick, and Jörn Carsten Gottwald (eds.),” H-Diplo, March 2016.
January 2016
Fu-Kuo Liu and Jonathan Spangler (eds.), South China Sea Lawfare: Legal Perspectives and International Responses to the Philippines v. China Arbitration Case, Taipei: South China Sea Think Tank/Taiwan Center for Security Studies, January 29, 2016.
Jonathan Spangler and Olga Daksueva, “Philippines v. China Arbitration Case: Background, Legal Perspectives, and International Responses,” in Fu-Kuo Liu and Jonathan Spangler (eds.), South China Sea Lawfare: Legal Perspectives and International Responses to the Philippines v. China Arbitration Case, January 29, 2016, pp. 17–37.
Jonathan Spangler, “Philippines v. China Arbitration Case: Taiwan’s Diplomatic and Security Responses,” in Fu-Kuo Liu and Jonathan Spangler (eds.), South China Sea Lawfare: Legal Perspectives and International Responses to the Philippines v. China Arbitration Case, January 29, 2016, pp. 127–137.
Fu-Kuo Liu, “Lawfare and its Implications for Regional Security,” in Fu-Kuo Liu and Jonathan Spangler (eds.), South China Sea Lawfare: Legal Perspectives and International Responses to the Philippines v. China Arbitration Case, January 29, 2016, pp. 155–158.
Jonathan Spangler, “Lessons for the South China Sea: Areas of Compatibility, Incompatibility, and Ambiguity,” in Fu-Kuo Liu and Jonathan Spangler (eds.), South China Sea Lawfare: Legal Perspectives and International Responses to the Philippines v. China Arbitration Case, January 29, 2016, pp. 159–167.
Mei-Shiu Chiu, Huei-Ming Yeh, and Jonathan Spangler, “Public constructs of energy values and behaviors in implementing Taiwan’s ‘energy-conservation /carbon-reduction’ declarations,” International Journal of Science Education 6(1), 2016, pp. 46–67, <doi:10.1080/21548455.2014.969357>.
Dean Karalekas and Csaba Moldicz (eds.), Miracles Do Happen: Taiwan’s Economic Development, Budapest Business School, 2016.
Olga Daksueva, “Sino-Indian relations in the eyes of Hobbes and Rousseau,” IACSS 2015 Conference Proceedings, International Academic Conference on Social Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey, July 25–26, 2015, pp. 255–262, <ISBN:978-9941-0-7410-3>.
Jonathan Spangler, “The Evolution of Leadership Styles in the South China Sea: Contextual Factors and Shifting Approaches in China and the United States,” in Evan Berman and M. Shamsul Haque (eds.), Asian Leadership in Policy and Governance, Bingley: Emerald Group, 2015, pp. 159–185, <doi:10.1108/S2053-769720150000024007>
Dean Karalekas and Gregory Coutaz, “A Problem of Tomorrow: Leadership in the Field of Emergency Management in Taiwan,” in Evan Berman and M. Shamsul Haque (eds.), Asian Leadership in Policy and Governance, Bingley: Emerald Group, 2015, pp. 399–419.
Jonathan Spangler, “Resource Management and Contested Territories in East Asia, by Ralf Emmers,” Journal of East Asian Studies 15(1), April 2015, pp. 153–155, <doi:10.1017/S1598240800004203>.
Moises Lopes de Souza and Dean Karalekas, “Domestic Politics and Personal Beliefs in Taiwan’s Territorial Claims: The differing Approaches of Chen Shui-bian and Ma Ying-jeou,” Panorama of Global Security Environment 2015, Center for European and North Atlantic Affairs: Bratislava, 2015.
Chuing Prudence Chou, “Higher Education Development in Taiwan,” in Jung Cheol Shin, Gerard A. Postiglione, and Futao Huang (eds.), Mass Higher Education Development in East Asia: Strategy, Quality, and Challenges, Singapore: Springer, 2015, pp. 89–103.
Chuing Prudence Chou, “Who Benefits from Taiwan’s Mass Higher Education?,” in Jung Cheol Shin, Gerard A. Postiglione, and Futao Huang (eds.), Mass Higher Education Development in East Asia: Strategy, Quality, and Challenges, Singapore: Springer, 2015, pp. 231–243.
Serafettin Yilmaz and Olga Daksueva, “China-India Energy Policy in the Middle East: A Comparative Analysis,” Global Review, December/Winter 2014, pp. 62–85.
Jonathan Spangler, “Impacts of Online Education on Existing Education Models, Teachers, and Students: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan,” presented at the Higher Education Research Association (HERA) Conference, Seoul: Higher Education Research Association, October 15–17, 2014.
Olga Daksueva, “Balance-of-threat theory: implications for the South China Sea,” presented at the International Conference on India-China Relations: Implications for Peace and Prosperity of Asia, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India, October 11–13, 2014.
Jonathan Spangler, “The SSCI Syndrome in Higher Education: A Local or Global Phenomenon, by Chuing Prudence Chou,” Review of Higher Education 38(2), 2014, pp. 326–329, <doi:10.1353/rhe.2015.0011>.
Jonathan Spangler, “Taiwan Education at the Crossroad: When Globalization Meets Localization, by Chuing Prudence Chou and Gregory Ching,” History of Education 43(5), 2014, pp. 716–718, <doi:10.1080/0046760X.2014.913698>.
Olga Daksueva, “AIFTA and its impact on India-Vietnam economic relations,” presented at the 2014 Annual Conference of Southeast Asian Studies in Taiwan: Trans-Boundary Circulation, Taipei, Taiwan, April 25–26, 2014.
Olga Daksueva and Serafettin Yilmaz, “The Russia-China Security Partnership in the Asia-Pacific Region: Conjectural and Structural Dimensions,” Tamkang Journal of International Affairs 17(4), April 2014, pp. 61–92.
Dean Karalekas, “Understanding Comparative Beliefs Visualized: Pedagogy and the Power of GIS in the Contextualizing Historical Taiwan,” presented at the 20th Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Congress, Siem Reap, Cambodia, January 12–18, 2014.
Chuing Prudence Chou (ed.), The SSCI Syndrome in Higher Education: A Local or Global Phenomenon, Netherlands: Sense Publishers, 2014.